What goes on tour…

Hey there fellas and fellasses!
Well, I had a huge adventure at this year’s Eroticon – a conference all about writing sex right.
It was an amazing opportunity to meet up with people I’d only fangirled over – cue Kd Grace, Lucy Felthouse, Lily Harlem, Lexie Bay, Kay Jaybee and Victoria Blisse – who kept me safe in the big city and showed me just how wonderful and generous the erotic writing community is (as if I didn’t know already!).
A night of fabulous burlesque from Volupte – climaxing with the inimitable Dave the Bear (bearlesque – I’m in love) – The Kitten club – just luscious talent spilling all over the place.

There’s so much to talk about!
The conference had conflicting messages – the health educators and sponsors Brook urged us to make safe sex a priority in all our fiction – then the gorgeously eloquent Remittance girl – gave us the opposing voice, we are writing fantasy and should credit our readers with the intelligence to be safe.

I also attended publisher’s panels with Hazel Cushion from Xcite, Maxim Jabowski, Rachel Kramer Bussel and the Smutters ladies – Lucy F and Victoria B! Insider tip – lots of romance with very hot sex please! I also met Leonora Solomon from Ravenous who published a menage story of mine – what a lovely lady she is.

There was a photography workshop from Mario Cacciottolo which I didn’t make it to – but just to say – he was taking pictures for his project Someone Once Told Me – and I tell you – he made me feel like I was the only muse he’d ever had – the other ladies told me the same. (I’ll keep you posted about when my piccy is up on his site).

Kristina Lloyd‘s writing workshop helped us out with making a sex machine (oh yeah!) – There was one awkward moment in this workshop where she put an example of ‘badly written’ erotica on the screen, when my stomach lurched and I thought, Oh fuck, it’s mine! Phew! It wasn’t… đŸ˜‰

Then, joy of joys, the ultimate taboo in erotic writing – the poem… now I love poetry and absolutely think there should me more erotic rhyme so I was very excited to join this workshop. Ashley Lister was the host – he had us all in stitches and while we all wrote haiku, limericks and another thing I can’t remember (sorry Mr L) – if they weren’t erotic, they were certainly filthy!

Kd Grace’s Finessing Sex workshop helped me sort out a tricky plotline by looking at it from a totally different point of view – thanks Kd!

I met loads of wonderful people – some of whom I didn’t get a card from – darn it! So much more went on but I just can’t cram it all in – the names I’ve included will take you to websites where more round ups are on show.

And look! I made it with the gals along to the fantastic Sh! Womens Erotic Emporium where my books are on the shelves – here’s a piccy.

Fabulous weekend which left me invigorated and yet still full of questions. Oh – and the fangirl came home with all her books signed đŸ˜‰

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