Springtime Shibari

It’s Sinful Sunday time!
This is inspired by May’s prompt of No Humans


Springtime Shibari
As a late addition, here’s the colour version – I was tortured all week over which one to choose, or whether to show both – Molly’s comment below made me think, ach, pop it up!

Springtime Shibari 2

As always, click on those lips to see who else is being sinful…

Sinful Sunday

17 thoughts on “Springtime Shibari

    1. Thank you so much! – I wished I hasn't missed the cherry blossom – I feel that would have been more apt than the apple. x x

    1. Thank you – it was meant for last week's Sinful Sunday but it didn't feel ready then somehow… does that sound odd? I guess I had to let it simmer for a bit 😀
      x x

  1. Lovely image, the contrast of the knot and the soft blossom is beautiful. I am curious as to why you picked the black and white, I am craving to see the colour version or want the rope lost within the colours maybe?


    1. Yes, Molly I know!! I've been changing my mind all week about this one – see the addition above – if a lady is craving… 😀
      Thanks for commenting x x x

    1. I think I agree – I sway back and forward but it is the black and white that pulls me more… I think!
      Thanks for your comment x x x

  2. I think I prefer the color version of this image. I like the black and white version, but the colors are very vivid and help to bring out the various textures. Well done!

  3. I love the subtlety of the black and white. The intricate knot almost seems part of the flowers. But then I scroll down to the color and I love that one too!

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