Dippy Diptych

Why hello and welcome to this sexy diptych celebrating 600 weeks of Sinful Sunday – hosted by Queen Molly Moore of erotica ROYALTY! I just had to join in from afar.

I am currently in Berlin for the business of sextech and trade shows – Erofame and a certain gent from Luke and Jack‘s 50th birthday!

So at the trade show I might have met an absolutely stunning lass who asked if I fancied joining her in wearing a little outfit. Why YES! Of course!

So here you have it – we absolutely had a blast at Oktoberfest dinner and honestly I’ve called this a Dippy Diptych because if you look up the definition of diptych it says a set of two images usually on wood and hinged…

Well… I am completely unhinged and often on wood so… Dippy – yet let’s say, sexy diptych đŸ˜€

Fucking LOVE YOU MOLLY! Thank you for keeping the sexy going all these years… and like you say, it’s all about the image!

Click on these lips for more 600 celebrations. Here’s a selection of mine.

banner in purple for Drenched - tantalising tales to make you glow - a woman seductively looks to camera touching her lips

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