Why hello there! It’s almost time for Eroticon!
The annual sex writers’ conference – I’ll be there with my ever faithful Ruby Glow as a sponsor so do come by and say hello. I’ll have my newest product to give you a sneaky peek of and guess what – it’s AMAZING! Even if I do say so myself. I’m not even joking, this baby has earned FIRST place on my nightstand 😀
I will also officially be launching the paperback of my new book Drenched, it will be available at the Bookstand and also with me.
Come to my Sex Talk and Bubbly event at Sh on Thursday 12th!
Guess what? I have some beautiful assistants with me this year – so I can pop along to some of the talks and generally mingle even more. You will be delighted as me when you see Oli Lipski from Sex Tech fame and Pink Gilly from awesome woman fame at my stand over the weekend to help me enthuse over my new Ruby Glow Blush.
So every year we are encouraged to do a virtual Meet and Greet – here’s mine.

Tell us 3 things you are most looking forward to at Eroticon 2020
- It is ALWAYS the people! Being a writer is so solitary so I am thirsty for people by the time Eroticon comes around! Looking forward to catching up with fantastic friends and getting foot rubs from Exposing 40 🙂 Session wise – Nikki Delgado audio sounds great (see what I did there? :D), I’m hoping to launch a really good affiliate link program for Ruby Glow, so I want to know what bloggers love and what to look out for so defo going to Amy Norton‘s session on affiliate links and how to make the most of them. Tatyannah King is doing the sex tech so of course I’m interested in that and my dear gorgeous gentle but naughty friend 19 Syllables is showing how she does her erotic haiku. Many years ago, in the Eroticon Goody bag was incredible original art Cameron Clark kindly provided by Luke and Jack. I have coveted that for all these years so I almost fainted when I saw Cameron is doing a session! And I never miss the change to hear Girl on the Net speak!
- Hanging out at the Vagina Museum at the socials and getting a bit squiffy.
- The readings! I love hearing folk read out their stories! It gives it such a deeper dynamic – I remember Drew Stone’s from last year – the place was absolutely electrified afterwards.
What is a song that always makes you want to dance?
Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches or Be your Dog by Iggy and the Stooges – oh yeahhhh, or 9-5 by Dolly :D, or *anything* by Madonna 😀 Actually with music and sounds.
What is your mobile (cellphone) wallpaper or home screen image?
My hamster Wee Doog – he died in my hands almost 2 years ago but he was the love of my life.

If someone gave you £5000 today which you were not allowed to save but had to spend within 24 hours what would you do with it?
I’m assuming giving it to charity isn’t an option in this instance so I’m going to through a big lovely party where you’re all invited and we sip champagne and sit on Ruby Glows watching burlesque. OK with you?
Advice for first timers, newbies, shy folk…
Honestly, come find me. I’m super friendly and will usually be at my stand or wandering around. There are one or two pics on here of me with my clothes on so you should be able to recognise me. I’ll introduce you to lovely folks too!
I also want to say – if you see a group of people bunched together in a tight throng and it feels cliquey and impenetrable – I bet my last glass of bubbly from our five-grand party that they are just the new folk from last year finding those they managed to pluck up the courage to talk to! I am absolutely certain that if you just say hi, you will be welcomed in with open arms – well, not quite open arms, an elbow bump at the very least 😀 (wash your hands :D)
We are all, (yes, I’m generalising) by the nature of being writers, a bit socially strange and anxious so rest assured, some of us might passably disguise it, but we’re all feeling it!
Have fun!
Can’t wait to meet you – either at Eroticon or Sh Womenstore! x xx