Naked and Judged

Imagine being naked and judged by non other than Gordon Ramsay?

Well that’s what I felt like recently in an Edinburgh hotel recently where each room was named after Scottish celebrity and a huge portrait was hung above the bed. So there I was, looking forward to a saucy night away (my favourite thing) but I never dreamed that Gordon Ramsay would be there in all his glory staring down at me…

It’s been ages since I’ve taken part in Sinful Sunday and I’ve been asked to choose my favourite entry at the end of June so I thought it was high time I posted a naughty photo. This one felt particularly apt since I will be studying everyone’s saucy photos and images and making them feel naked and judged…

Don’t get me wrong, we all love a bit of adoration but this was ridiculous 😀 At first I was a bit daunted but then I thought, well, if you can’t get naked in front of a gigantic portrait of GR what can you do?

Join me on June 30th and let me see your best nudes! I’m excited 🙂

Click on these juicy lips to see this week’s Sinful Sunday collection of filthy photos by hot naughty folks…

lips logo with Sinful Sunday on

If you’re missing my chat and sexy wordage, pop on over to my FrolicMe page where you can find my most up to date work. And you can always grab one of my books, a sexy bargain!

And in case you’ve stumbled here by accident and maybe were expecting a recipe or two, hello! I’m Tabitha Rayne, an erotica author and sex toy inventor – take a look at my award winning hot saddle style vibes over at the Ruby Glow. Use checkout code: TABITHASAYS for 10% off everything.

So tell me something – I’d love to know, what’s the weirdest thing that you’ve found in a hotel room? I know huge portraits aren’t that unusual but the scale of this one was unbelievable. Good ol’ Gordon, making me feel naked and judged… 😀 nothing by halves…

Until next time,

with so much love and joy to you,

Tabitha x x x

ps: I kept the main image is as big as I could to compete with Mr R so if you’re having to scroll to see the full thing here’s a smaller version 😉

Tabitha sits on a bed with white rumpled linen sheets, naked reclining on her hands looking up to a huge portrait of Gordon Ramsay - feeling very naked and judged

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