Miss Muffet Sat on a… Ruby Glow!
Hooray -the Sinful Sunday prompt for June is Toys – how could I not post one of my Ruby Glow? Orgasms while you sit – through your clothing, and hands free! This is the before photo – poised and ready to be pleasured as a seated lady 😉

So here’s the scoop (in case you didn’t know already 😀 ) Ruby Glow is a sex toy I designed and made by Rocks Off – and TONIGHT – Sunday 12th June, we find out if it has won an award for Most Innovative New Product at the Erotic Trade Only Awards – so exciting 😀 – not only that – me and my Brit Babe buddies, Victoria Blisse, Kd Grace & Kay Jaybee have all been nominated for Best Erotica Author too. So I’m pretty gosh darn excited!