In and Out the Dusty Bluebells
Would you believes the dusty bluebells are still in full bloom in my garden?
This was taken yesterday.
Wear a mask pals.
love you x x x

Fancy and end of the world kinda shag? This might help…

So as I was contemplating this photo, I actually thought this was the Sinful Sunday prompt weekend, is it not June 1st? Haha no, it’s still May – I’m excited because Ruby Glow is sponsoring the Prompt – so I guess I jumped the gun.
The title of this is In and Out the Dusty Bluebells because it came to me while I was pondering the letter ‘I’ for the Sinful Sunday prompt. I was like, how can I put these beautiful bluebells in a photo that’s meant to represent the letter I?
And then it came to me, that old nursely game In and Out the Dusty Bluebells, I am your master…
It’s a bit kinky really.
Anyway it doesn’t matter as it’s for NEXT week! Here’s me thinking I was being all clever n that.
Oh well, not the first time, certainly won’t be the last. đŸ˜€
Did you know my story Spanked in the Woods is now up as audio blog over at Girl on the Net – go take a read then click the audio – sexily read by Leo DeLuca.
Ok, gotta go think of ‘I’deas for next week! đŸ˜€
x x x