Happy National Orgasm Day!
Why hello! It’s National Orgasm Day!
I know I’ve been missing from this blog recently but how could not pop up a blog on National Orgasm Day! I always wonder which nations are being spoken of, it turns out UK, Australia and US are finding their pleasure zone today.
Don’t you think if we had a World Orgasm Day it would be so much better? Imagine the wave of oxytocin sweeping the planet and creating peace throughout the earth? I do. I imagine it all the time
So in the interest of peace on earth, I am going to take my duty very seriously today and get those happy hormones spilling out.
I think you should too!
Here’s some of my hints to get you in the mood and tip you over the edge:
Wear something sexy under your clothes – or don’t wear any undies at all – there’s nothing saucier than having a secret to yourself… even if you forget while your at the office or working hard at the farm, every time your pop to the loo, you’ll be reminded of how damn sexy hot you are.
Think about your self in a sexy way – imagine what toys your going to use on yourself or with your partner when you get home this evening – even better, pop a wee bullet in your hand bag or pocket! If you start your day planning something raunchy for your return home, you won’t be able to keep your hands off yourself tonight! If I’m planning something super-saucy that I haven’t done for a while, or bought a new toy to try, this is a great way of building up your excitement. For example, I’ve never tried ice cuffs for self bondage- I am definitely looking into that… I might tease myself by looking up my favourite sex stores.
Here’s my faves
Watch some delicious erotic films – I would like to recommend FrolicMe – they produce the most mouthwatering porn to seduce and tease your senses.
Write some erotica! Seriously, writing a red hot love scene can really get you going – need some inspiration? you can take part in some fabulous memes where lots of people write sexy stories free to read and take part – Masturbation Monday, Wicked Wednesday, Friday Flash and more.
Take a suggestive photo of yourself – seeing your body from a different angle can be hot! Photos feature in the weekly meme – Sinful Sunday it’s fun, body positive and inspiring!
Read Some Erotica!
This is my biggest tip – firing up your imagination will hit all those sweet spots – you can see my book list here but I’m adding one of my favourite hot scenes below too – it is from Chemical S[ex] – a really fun anthology to be part of!
Hope it heats you up… it’s pretty NSFW and very explicit threesome fun – you’ve been warned!
The Dinner Guest
There comes a point in a long term relationship where if you haven’t exposed your kinky desires to your partner, it might be too late. Or at least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself for the past couple of years. After all, what would I think if Luca suddenly told me he had a penchant for wearing stockings or had always fantasized about taking a male lover? Actually, that’s probably my secret wants coming out. The other night when we were making love in the good old missionary position, I had an image of him being done by some guy we’d picked up at the same time, so I could see both their faces. It was such a hot scene that I came hard, just like that. I can’t usually get to the magic moment through missionary alone but, boy-oh-boy, that fleeting thought had done it.
We’ve been together for nine years, Luca and me. Totally and mind numbingly boring-for-my-friends in love from the second we first met.
I asked him a while ago when we were pretty tipsy on champagne if there was anything he’d like to do – deepest darkest secret vice. I told him no matter what it was, I’d help him do it.
“Well, I always fancied trying snowboarding,” was his innocent reply. I think I drank the rest of the champers straight from the bottle.
So why is this all being stirred up? Well, I’ll tell you. At uni, before I met my beloved, there was a guy, you know, we were just friends but all the girls loved him. Jasper. Hot to look at, hot to be with, hot to talk to, no subject was out of bounds, no subject too esoteric, taboo or banal to dissect to the end of time – or at least the end of a bottle of Jack Daniels. We would lie on the hill drinking and smoking until the morning dew soaked us. I never grew cold, (perhaps a little damp…) our conversation kept me heated through and through. We shared our most secret fantasies. I told him how I sometimes smacked my own arse with a ruler to get off. He said that if I hadn’t found a dominant other by the time I was thirty, he’d happily oblige. It was the strangest thing – the safety net of the never ending now of youth made the merest idea of ever being thirty as impossible as some of our discussions on philosophy. We had chemistry, we definitely did, but neither one of us seemed capable of making a move. I wondered sometimes if was just imagining the electricity between us or even if he was gay. I knew he loved the idea of trying every sexual thing at least once and with many different people, just not me it seemed.
All my youthful heartache surrounding Jasper disappeared as if it had never existed when I first set eyes on Luca. Chemistry. What a strange thing. To be completely at its mercy. Is that all we are? Just a bunch of chemical reactions?
Why am I suddenly dwelling on all of this?
You guessed it. Jasper is in town. Jasper is in town and he wants to meet up. With Luca and I. We used to meet up all together but somehow lost touch over the years. I don’t know why I’m so apprehensive. But as I stand thumbing my clothes in the wardrobe trying to choose an outfit for dinner, I suddenly realize what it is. I’m over thirty. I’m over thirty and have never been spanked on the arse by anything other than my own ruler in my own hand.
Oh hell.
What if he is still as open? What if he blurts out my secrets to my unsuspecting long term partner? He wouldn’t, surely?
I choose my red dress, hold ups and heels. I’m a recent convert to hold-ups but stocking purism has been sacrificed for a wrinkle free ankle thank you very much.
Luca is going to the restaurant direct from work. I check the time, I do not want him to arrive before me. Maybe I can get there first to warn Jasper off certain subjects. I grab my bag and make a run for it.
I needn’t have worried. Jasper has been both the perfect gentleman and conversationalist, of course. I smile through the candlelight at Luca and Jasper chattering. We’d skipped dessert and ordered a bottle of cognac and I top up their glasses again.
“This has been wonderful Jasper, thanks for taking the time to catch up.” Luca sounds like he’s drawing the evening to a close. As his hand strokes my thigh under the table, I realize why. He walks the fabric of my dress through his fingertips in bunches and it glides up, exposing my stocking tops. He hooks into the elastic and I let my legs part a little. Drunk, my inhibitions fall away and I hear my voice inviting Jasper back to our flat for a night cap. Luca tenses a little when Jasper accepts with enthusiasm.
In the cab Luca sits between Jasper and I, they are chatting amiably enough but I feel the tension in his frame. He was expecting to bend me over on the fireside rug and fuck me from behind with my stockings still on. Well, he’ll just have to wait a bit, that’s all. It’s not like my drunken libido will fail me any time soon. Something about the male voices throwing jocular chat back and forth has me floating on a soft cloud of contented need. I close my eyes and sink into the leather upholstery imagining myself between them, wishing I was smaller and more breakable. Visualizing being pounded front and back by two rock hard men, all grunts and sinew as they take their lustful pleasures, only stopping to slap my arse for my disobedience when I cry out in sweet exquisite agony.
Whoa, where did that come from? I sit up straight and press the button to open the window. Night air gushes in and the men protest.
“Sorry, sorry, just the alcohol taking effect, I guess.” I put the window back up suddenly aware of my own arousal. I feel like it is buzzing from every pore making itself very, very obvious.
I peer over and Jasper is showing something to Luca. Luca reaches out but Jasper snatches whatever it is away. Looks like some sort of chocolate. You know, the type posh hotels put on the pillow. Or so I’ve heard. Never quite made it to one of those hotels…
“Is it hot in here?” I shift uneasily feeling sweat prickle over my nape and shoulders. That image keeps flicking into my mind. Jasper leans past Luca and smiles at me with a very wicked smile on his face.
“This could become quite interesting,” he says, nudging Luca as he settles back into his seat. The chatter has faded and a strange uneasy tension fills the back of the taxi. My eyes flick to Luca’s knee and I’m sure I see Jasper quickly pull his hand away. Something odd is going on.
I’m glad when we stumble out into the cold air and onto the pavement. The taxi driver has a massive grin on his face as he drives off and I assume it’s down to Jasper’s tipping generosity. Goosebumps raise on every part of my body as we climb the stairs. I opt to go first and I can feel the heat of the gaze of both men as they eye up my stockinged legs and higher to my ass. I can’t help it – I sashay a little deeper into my hips and arousal wells in the pit of my abdomen. My knickers are damp, I can smell them. I ought to be embarrassed but I’m not at all. It’s the strangest thing. The smell is combined with a cocoa fragrance and as we reach our door I glance back only to see Jasper feeding Luca one of the chocolates he was holding in the taxi.
What the hell?
His lips engulf the melting candy and Jasper pushes his fingers in a little. Their eyes meet and in that moment, I see a decision has been made. Luca sucks greedily on the digits wrapping his tongue and lips around them, swallowing them deep into his mouth. Both their expressions are heavy with lust and my knees buckle. I fall against the door and it breaks them from their spell.
“What’s going on?” I ask with my breath alone, no sound escapes me. I am floaty and excited, am I tripping?
Luca leans against the wall with a goofy sexed out look on his face and Jasper strides to me, another chocolate in his grip.
“Here, eat it,” he commands, grabbing my hair and pulling my head back, making no mistake about my instruction. As he drops the chocolate into my open mouth he slides his fingers on my tongue, fingering my mouth as if it were my pussy. It is filthy rude and my cunt yearns. He rolls his pelvis into my side to show me his hard on and I chance a glance at Luca who is rubbing his own erection through his trousers.
As I swallow the sweet liquor of melted chocolate and saliva I feel elevated beyond any need I’ve ever had.
“Unlock the fucking door, someone, now.” I fumble about and the keys fall to the floor. Jasper dips down and pauses on his knees, observing my spread feet. Like a feral animal pouncing, he dips up and under my dress, clawing at my panties, biting and tonguing my pussy through the fabric.
Luca comes over and I’m worried he’ll be furious with me for allowing another man into my private space but he just smiles and stoops to take the key from Jasper’ grip. He quickly opens the door and we stumble and fall inside, grabbing at furniture, anything to catch our balance in this tangle of bodies.
I am confused. Of course I know what’s happening and it feels great but I’m not quite sure how it’s happening. We never discussed this, Luca has never once hinted that he would consider a threesome… Threesome, forming the word in my mind sends spirals of illicit naughty desire racing through me. Menage-a-trois. How deliciously sordid. My breasts feel engorged and the beaded nipples are almost painful. I need to get out of my dress right now. I’m so hot and confined. I tear at the fabric and am delighted when four more hands join the crusade to get me naked. Hard panting and material ripping apart is the only sound and it is close and intense. Jasper is on his knees again pulling my knickers with his teeth, the elastic shows resistance and cuts into my behind as he shakes his head about like a dog, trying to rip it off. It burns into my buttocks and releases another shot of sex endorphins. I want to be spanked. I want someone to hit me hard on the ass while gagging and stuffing my mouth with something. I think quickly and bend as the elastic finally snaps free. Luca’s bulge is at my face and I get to work freeing his cock and ramming my mouth over the straining head, licking and stuffing my face with him. I want to be owned, consumed, fucked in the mouth and throat as Jasper spanks me.
I hear it before I feel it and rock forward even further onto Luca.
“Hey,” Luca gives a half hearted attempt to come to my aid but I know he’s loving this too much to really do anything.
“Shh, don’t worry, it’s good.” Jasper whispers as he lays his whole palm on my tingling ass and strokes as if soothing me. Then the touch is withdrawn and I brace myself for another slap.
I grunt hard as the blow makes me stumble again, guzzling at Luca, relishing every whimper coming from his throat. I hope Jasper is hard. I hope he has his thick heavy cock out in the other hand stroking himself while he spanks me.
Thwack. Ahhh that’s it, that’s it. It’s exactly what I hoped for. My body is on fire, every nerve ending connected to the point where the blows have landed. Searing heat spreads through me, my nipples are tight, puckering for all they’re worth and I grab them both roughly as they dangle. I squeeze and knead them, tweaking and playing as Luca grabs my hair and fucks my mouth.
My pussy is needy now. I can imagine the sight of it all puffy and desperate, red and ready for invasion. I wiggle my ass in invitation to Jasper who grabs either side of my hips and begins to nudge at my entrance. I clench hard against the invasion, though lord knows I want it and need it but I can’t help it. There is still some part of me absolutely mortified by what is taking place. But delightfully mortified. Perhaps by showing a little resistance I’m not quite the wanton hussy I’m accusing myself of being.
He’s pushing harder, grabbing tight into my flesh.
“Open up now, stop being such a fucking tease.” His voice is all growly and masterful and I clench again.
I’m rewarded with a brisk hard slap and he tries again.
“I said, let me in.” He pulls me back and drives forward stretching and plowing me with his cock. It’s so hard and deep that I’m actually lifted onto my toes and have to grab on to Luca’s thighs for balance. Jasper nestles into my cunt for a moment or two giving me time to expand and adjust to his girth. My clit feels like it is going to explode. Just one touch. Just reach underneath and stroke it. I silently implore, my mouth still busy on my lover. He is jerking and shuddering in that tell tale way and I try to slow my pace, I don’t want this to end just yet.
I reach down between my legs and finger my clit. The angle is wrong, I can’t press hard enough. Frustration builds into fury and I slam back onto Jasper harder and reach to his balls as they tighten and sway. Fuck. I’m so needy. I want to find his hands to pull them round to my clit. I want to be tongued and chewed, gobbled up, the way Luca is being gobbled. I’m breathing hard through my nose and my eyes are streaming with frustration and the effort of trying to deep throat Luca. Some of my hair has come free of his hand and is sticking to my face, I must look like a ravished whore. Excellent. I arch further up onto my tippytoes, still trying to grapple at Jasper’s fingers. Suddenly he leaves me. My cunt feels bereft but only for a second as he sinks to the floor and I feel his hot breath at my ass. I clench, nervous and excited about what might happen next. Not wanting to admit to myself that I want his tongue in my ass. Oh and I do, I do want it. Just as I think I might have to voice my desire (and that might kill me) I feel the sweet probing at my tightest place. It is hugely invasive and feels enormous in its insistence. Long flat swirling gives way to short sharp jabs, a fleshy battering ram, opening me up for his use.
Everything stills for a second then his tongue breaches my hole. Oh god. That’s it, done. His fingers delve into my dripping pussy while he fucks me in the ass with his tongue. The cock in my throat is so hard now, I’m almost gagging.
Jasper stands again with his fingers still in my pussy, thumb probing at my rear. I know he’s wetting his other hand in his mouth and coating his cock with lubrication. Is he going to do it? Luca and I haven’t even done it. Well, we tried once on my insistence but we were both drunk and embarrassed. This though. Wow. Sensations are rippling through me that I never knew I could feel. I want Luca to roar something filthy like, “That’s it, use her, fuck her in the ass then I’ll fuck you while you do it.”
That image, that one from the taxi appears though this time, it’s even ruder. Did I imagine Luca spoke those words? Or did he? I am confused and floaty. Gripped, groped and about to be ground. Do it. Corkscrew right in to me. Make me burn. I am out of my body. I’m roaring around the room flailing about in the agony of the sublime. My body is a wreck.
Luca is looking down at me, hand tangled tight in my hair, twisting my face up so he can see my raw expression, jaw almost unhinged, eyes bulging and streaming with effort.
“Take it,” he says and I’m back in myself, two cocks forcing their way inside. Using me, adoring me. Worshiping me as their woman of fuck. Jasper is in my ass now, fingers still in my cunt. I’m so stretched full and stuffed, everything converges and Jasper finally reaches under, pressing my own hand with his onto my clit. The shuddering begins and I twist and writhe on the end of these cocks pumping and pounding me. Oh god. The trembling in my tensed calves and foot arches turn to cramp with the effort of holding myself up – but suddenly I am lifted, suspended by cocks and my muscles release.
I am the eye of this storm and I embrace the stillness for as long as I can before letting go. I come, I come, I come through the stars and the moon and the earth and the flesh. And they come too, choking and ramming me – pleasure and pain. I feel them twist in blissful agony inside me, filling me from head to toe with their raw essence. I want them to come all over me. I want covered in it. I want spattered from all directions from a hundred hungry cocks.
The spasming, shuddering and roaring comes to a slow and my breathing is hard around the softening flesh inside. My pussy twitches and I am utterly spent. Fulfilled. Transcended.
They both slide from me and we all collapse to the floor in a long embrace. Both men stroke my hair and pet me, soothe me. I don’t want it to end.
I drift off slowly and I have the sensation of being carried and laid somewhere soft and comfortable while the two men cuddle in close. As I dream, I am aware of movement around and above me. I open my eyes to see a male jaw being cupped by a male hand and drawn to the other’s lips. It is tender and masculine and unbelievably erotic. Am I dreaming? They stop kissing and lie down either side of me, cocooning me in heat and pheromones.
I am utterly fulfilled. I think back to the evening and how it all panned out. When I’d arrived at the restaurant the men already had drinks and they looked startled, guilty almost when I said hello. They’d planned it. They’d planned the whole thing and it had something to do with the chocolates they’d scrabbled to hide in the cab. Well, well… Luca must be a little kinkier than I gave him credit for.
At least now I know, in a long term relationship it’s never too late to voice your kinky desires. You might just need a little help… even if it is in the form of aphrodisiac confectionery and a university crush.
I let myself sink into sleep with the fragrance of man and chocolate soothing my sex bruised body.
And there you have it – Happy National Orgasm Day! Do it for world peace! We can all be heroes today
Love Tabitha x x x