Eroticon Meet and Greet 2019
It’s that time of year again where sex bloggers and erotica authors from around the world descend on Camden to share the sex word love at Eroticon – THE sex writing conference!
NAME (and Twitter if you have one)
Tabitha Rayne @tabithaerotica
Tell us 3 things you are most looking forward to at Eroticon 2019
1 – Staying with Exposing 40 and meeting ALL the people! I love people soooo much. After being cooped up most of the year in my studio, I am people HUNGRY!
2 – Showing off the updated version of Ruby Glow to you all – squeeee, it’s an Eroticon exclusive so do pop over to my stand (The Ruby Glow – we’re sponsoring)
3 – I am really hoping to get to some of the talks and workshops this year – I was so busy at my stand last year that I missed e very single one – I might have to put a cardboard cut out of myself at my table this year and sneak off.
4 – Yes, FOUR! I am excited to try and get ALL the stories in the anthology signed this time, so if you see me, please, please sign my copy of the book!
We are creating a play list of songs for the Friday Night Meet and Greet. Nominate one song that you would like us to add to the play list and tell us why you picked that song.
Be Your Dog by Iggy and the Stooges – Oh my god, that song turns me into a dripping filthy mess. Yay! It’s so dark and horny I absolutely bloody love it. Here, have a listen…
What is your favorite item or book you’ve purchased so far this year?
I have barely bought anything for personal fun this year – I acquired some incredible lucky boots though! Most of my money is spent on modelling items to make prototypes – I basically buy all of Hobbycraft’s Fimo supplies every week. I can’t wait to show them what they’ve helped to create! #craftingisfun
Ooo wait, I did treat myself to life drawing classes at Summerhall with the wonderful Topaz Pauls – so inspiring. And it helped to inspire the Eroticon book cover.

You can have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what is it? Sushi? Scotch Tape?
Oh gosh, probably Fimo 😀
What is your favourite quote from a movie?
Lula to Sailor, Wild At Heart: “Uh oh. Baby, you’d better get me back to that hotel. You’ve got me hotter than Georgia asphalt.”
What is your word suggestion to next year’s Eroticon anthology?
Complete the sentence:
I feel…
Everything, all the things, all the time. It’s amazing and exhausting.
Go read more! Meet us all…