Eroticon Time!
Welcome to my Eroticon Meet and Greet post! I can’t wait to see you all (hopefully I’ll have managed to make all the art for the goodie bags in time 😀 )
If you don’t know, Eroticon is an annual conference for Erotica authors, sex bloggers, sex writers, sex toy reviewers, artists and more! It’s packed full of fantastic workshops and talks to help you get the most out of your writing career and fab advice from industry experts. Read my Ten Things round up from last year.
But first – to This Year! Whooop!
NAME (and Twitter if you have one)
Tabitha Rayne @TabithaErotica and @TheRubyGlow
What are you most looking forward to about Eroticon 2018?
Oh, it’s ALWAYS the people! I plucked up courage and went to my first Eroticon alone all shaky and timid, and now, I blast in there with so much joy, as all these folks are splendid! To meet your online blogging/writing/inventing/designing/sex positive heroes is absolutely brilliant.
Ooo, and to be in a space where you don’t have to worry that your chat is not appropriate, well, that’s just golden 😉
We are creating a play list of songs for the Friday Night Meet and Greet. Nominate one song that you would like us to add to the play list and tell us why you picked that song
Has to be Fuck the Pain Away by Peaches – she is a sex positive Goddess and while any one of hers would do, this is the classic that would get everyone grinding.
Also – limiting it to one one is extremely cruel – after all, what would a night be complete without Be Your Dog by Iggy pop and The Stooges. It’s so raw and dirty, and I was once in a band and I stepped in as drummer for this song. Anyone one can play along. God Iggy, I LOVE YOU.
I get goose bumps just thinking about these songs.
What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?
I wanted to be a designer or artist or writer, so I guess… my childhood dream has actually crept right up on me and happened! Albeit in a peculiar route – but I’d never have guessed I’d be designing sex toys, writing erotica and drawing nudes! Actually, that’s a lie, it makes perfect sense. After finding a porno mag (classic) at about 9 or 10, it was the best thing ever, I guess I always knew I’d end up here once I’d got used the idea that sex was a good thing and actual career choice.

Weirdest place you’ve ever gotten up to mischief (define ‘mischief’ however you like…)
My boyfriend fingered me to a very naughty orgasm while we were in the back of his parent’s car on a long journey… Oh god, I’m actually blushing at the memory :0
Tell us two truths and a lie about yourself
I have a black belt in Ninjutsu
I have six toes on each foot
I am the European Artistic Stone Stacking Champion 2016
Complete the sentence: I want…
World peace and I’m not even joking.
Actually, I deeply believe that we could achieve this through the power and unity of orgasms. If everyone all came at once, the outpouring of joy and oxcytocin would clean our souls through and through and we’d be happy and chilled AF
As a last note – I am sponsoring the event with my ever trusty Ruby Glow and Rocks Off – If you come to my stand and leave your card (stay for a chat, I love a chat) you could win a HUGE hamper with £500 worth of sex toys!
Take a look on Rocks off for the full prize run down!
Click here for more Meet and Greets!
Looking forward to getting my grubby mitts on the Eroticon delegate anthology Truth – so proud and thrilled to have painted the cover image and can’t wait to read the beautiful stories inside x Get yours from Resonance press now!
See ya x