Get Your Ears Burning! With My Erotic Audiobook

Get them burning indeed!

Did I tell you I narrated an erotic audiobook? I did! I recorded Drenched into a big old aural fuckfest. And it’s available RIGHT NOW for you to wrap your beautiful ears around! Treat yourself and get those ears and loins burning!

Here’s a few ways to buy:

1 – From Audible with this link US and this link UK where you get 30 days free.

2 – From Amazon with this universal link – where you can get it cheaper if you already own the ebook version.

3 – Or from your favourite audiobook platform.


Well, here’s a few reasons:

1 – Girl on the Net – you’ve heard of her right? Who hasn’t?! She wrote the foreword and recommends it (which I’m *still* cheesing about). She also curates, writes and records her incredible audio porn project.

2 – You get to hear my amazingly Shexshy Shcottish Acshent reading aloud 33 beautiful saucy stories!

3 – You’ll be supporting a passionate writer (me) who just wants you to feel the love.

4 – You will get horny – and surely that’s the best reason! After all, it is an erotic audiobook and as I say in my very first story, ‘I want my words to make you want.’

5 – Still not convinced? My audio erotica is recommended in Cosmo! Imagine that? 😀 Surely worth a wee gamble…

Ah go on, treat yourself to my sexy wee erotic audiobook!

Tabitha leans in to a microphone - side on, hair obscuring face - lips parted as if to speak - for erotic audiobook post
I did it for you…

Check out all my other books here

And if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been recently – this is exactly why! Recording and editing audio takes ages – and I have another announcement about more coming very soon!

Stay tuned!

DRENCHED is a perfect blend of raw and sweet sexy times. Each story is unique, the writing is deliciously decadent and told with such a wonderfully authentic voice. An ideal anthology to keep on your kindle (or in your handbag) to lose yourself in on your coffee break – even better, read it aloud to your partner and see the results.

Five Star Reader Review


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