Last chance to come to AATA Book Signing and meet over a hundred of your favourite authors all in the fabulous surroundings of the Armouries in Leeds on Saturday!
I’m coming and bringing all my paperbacks including my VERY FIRST NOVEL which has inspired my short film, Inevitable here’s the trailer. Screening at film festivals soon – fingers crossed!
But best of all, there’s a Bridgerton Ball in the evening – see if there’s still tickets and look out your best Regency finery!
All run by the amazing Sarah Michelle Lynch who writes gorgeous saucy romance and short erotic stories for me at FrolicMe.
Oooo, and I’ve made some Scottish tablet for those who buy Tossing His Caber đŸ˜€ if you don’t know what tablet is…
lots of love, see you at the book signing!
x x x