#30DayDayOrgasmFun Masturbation and orgasms for a Mental Health Boost!
Welcome to this year’s #30DayOrgasmFun *throws glitter and confetti everywhere*
Basically this has now become an annual event in April where we try to cast off the blues of winter and feel the sap rising in our own bodies and desires and give ourselves an orgasmic spring shake up!
We start on April 1st – April fool’s day – #wanksNotPranks 😀
Please read this post from last year which includes almost 40 blogs from people who joined in!
Very briefly, it occurred to me that while suffering from depression, no health practitioner had asked me about my orgasms or libido. I know how powerful hormones are, I’m sure we all do, so after researching the delights of oxytocin, the hormone released through intimacy and orgasms, I decided to prescribe myself an orgasm a day for 30 days to see if my mood and libido lifted.

Now, I have to tell you, over the past few months I have had a tough time with grief and my dark days have been long so I really am going at this to help with my own mental health. Please bear with me if I don’t manage to comment on tweets or posts as much as I might have done in the past – I’m trying to be a little bit careful with myself.

So, this year, I’m going to offer up 3 versions of the 30 days. Mainly because a lot of people refer to it as an orgasm challenge – that has never sat well with me as orgasms can be a skittish and elusive bird for some people so I wanted to make it simply for fun, where reconnecting with your body is the aim, orgasm or no orgasm… however, some of you sexy peeps out there seem to really respond to the ‘challenge’ aspect – so feel free to call it that if it helps! 😉
There will be the traditional fun version where you just give it a try, dip in and out whenever you can, orgasms are fab but not the end of the world if you don’t achieve it. Partners, lovers and more!
#30DayOrgasmFun / #30DaysOrgasmFun
And, and I love this addition, after chatting with Molly Moore and Sub Bee who mentioned a wonderful term – I’m adding Mindful Masturbation to the mix.
Now this is because I really believe connecting with yourself on a physical level whatever form that takes is part of your self-care – taking time out of your busy schedule once a day to touch yourself, even non sexually, will ground you back into your own beautiful self –
Self love *IS* self care!
So, if you’re up for it and want to share any posts about your experience, give me a shout and I’ll add them here. Use the icon if you like so we can all keep track.
If you don’t want to be involved at all you can mute the hashtags to keep your timeline neat ?
I’m hoping to do tips and sex toy reviews as I go but I’m not going to put too much pressure on myself – last year I was so nervous about the whole bloody thing that on the first day I took a whole hour to come on my Doxy – ON MY DOXY! Can you imagine how tense my calves were? I could barely walk for a week 😀
Even if you’re not taking part, if you have any advice or great toy recommendations for those who are, I’d love to share them! 🙂 you can email me tabitharayne@gmail.com or just comment below.

Space for your posts here!
- Mx Nillin – Everything Sucks So I’m Gonna Get Off All April
- Isabelle Lauren – 30 Day Orgasm Challenge – Year 2
- Cara Theron – Anxious
- Curious Clitty – 30 Days Orgasm Fun
- Molly Moore – Delicious Feedback Loop
- Sassy Cat – Masturbation and Mental Health
- Floss Does Life – Erotic story (HOT!) Thoughts of You
- Tabitha Rayne – One Down
- Tabitha Rayne – Erotica, Orgasms and a Fickle Libido
- Miss D – Look Daddy, it’s a Real Thing! Told Ya So!
- Submissy – It’s Back and O, So Am I
- Floss Does Life – Flowers In Bloom
- Ella Scadarella – The Beginning
- Purple’s Gem – Orgasm Challenge Fun
- Mx Nillin – Part 1 – Self Care Through Self Pleasure
- Anne Stagg – It’s been 8 Days of Orgasm Fun
- Tabitha – Show Me How You Burlesque
- Mx Nillin – Part 2 – Sad But Satisfied
- Floss Does Life – Erotic short story Tell Me Where To Go
- Molly Moore – Only One Thing a Girl Can Do
- Purple’s Gem – 30 Days Week 1
- Squirt – An Unexpected Gush
- Marie Rebel – 10 Days Masturbation
- Mx Nillin – Part 3 Orgasmic Realizations
- Mx Nillin – Part 4 Please Cum Again
- Anne Stagg on Instagram
- Rantings of a Nonsensical Mind – April Fun Day, Dress the Part
- Mx Nillin – Part 5 Endgame
- Mx Nillin – Stop Thinking Start Fucking
- Mx Nillin – Part 7 Tapping Out
- Posy Churchgate – When I’m Alone