Am dram thank you ma’am!

Ruby Glow Blush on Stage!

A review of a play – Sex Cells performed by Dunbar And District Amateur Drama Association.

Repost from Ruby Glow.

As I’m gearing up to the launch of three new products, I’ve been so busy and needed some down time… You might think this is an unusual post to put on a sex toy shop blog, but here we are!

A few weeks ago my sister said someone was putting on a play in her local town and needed some sex toys… Naturally knowing a sex toy inventor she turned to me.

pink flyer for play Sex Cells by Anna Longaretti, performed by DADADA - headsets and a woman illustration

Being in this industry means you have a huge array of toys for testing , reviewing and because my niche is ride on and grinding toys, it means I don’t need to limit my fun with other kinds of toys, as far as I’m concerned, they’re not my “competition” they are additions to my joy time. Eg I reviewed the Doxy and Womanizer Liberty for FrolicMe and Lube for my own blog. Anyway I digress, the point is, I have LOADS of sex toys, samples, prototypes, sexual wellness demos… you name it.

So of course I could supply some props for a play set in a sex toy warehouse!

I got a few friends together, bought tickets for the show and went along, truly not knowing what to expect but hoping for a good laugh. You always prepare yourself for perhaps feeling a bit awkward watching an Amateur production so you forewarn your pals that you’re not 100% sure but, hey, am dram with sex toys and a Ruby Glow Blush on stage, what’s not to love?

What’s not to love indeed! The play started with dialogue between four women in a call centre and their customers on headsets – it was quick paced and caused a lot of tittering. Sex toy chat usually does. I was expecting the hilarity and light hearted comedy to continue all the way through, preparing myself for a night of taking-the-piss nonsense. What I didn’t expect was (as my friend said) TOPICS.

Ruby Glow Blush SALE! 20% off!

use code MY5 for an extra fiver off!

The story delved into themes of sex and motherhood, not shying away from the big TOPICS like infertility and yearning for a baby, to parent/child estrangement and morning after pill use. I hadn’t seen this play before so it was really quite unexpected. The heaviness of the storyline was balanced and beautifully punctuated by humour and fantastic comedic timing between the characters throughout.

pic 2: cast members with a blow up sex doll. Thank you ma’am!

The performances were far from ‘amateur’. They were stunning, each and every character had me and my friends spellbound, and the chemistry between them was phenomenal. I always think you can’t fake chemistry – if it’s off, it’s off. And in this instance it most certainly was ON! The sheer amount of lines that had to be remembered was enormous, adding even more pressure which the cast made look like nothing at all.

And what does this have to do with this sex toy blog? Well, while Ruby Glow has a global reach, it is a tiny business with only two staff currently. We try to sponsor and support other small ventures when we are able to, it was so lovely to see our products under the spotlights and the biggest thrill came seeing Ruby Glow Blush on stage for a brief moment starring by being held by the characters as they talked about other things. I was a very proud mamma I’m telling you! Here’s our new video to celebrate:

Sex Cells performed by DADADA Dunbar and District Amateur Drama Association gets a big FIVE STARS from me and Ruby Glow đŸ˜€

This year we’re also going to be sponsoring more fantastic events – Authors at the Armories at Leeds on the 3rd of June where you can meet myself (Tabitha Rayne) and a whole host of your fave writers at this huge signing event, and the weekend after that, we’re at Eroticon again! The sex writer and influencer conference June 11th & 12th. Eroticon holds a special place for Ruby Glow as it’s the first place we showcased back in 2016!

We’ll be taking three new products called Ruby Glow Rides – here’s a preview of some complementary artwork by our fave, Hazel Mead.

purple background with RUBY GLOW Rides in white and pink font underneath a beautiful mouth holding blue winding tentacles - very sexy

Introducing Ruby Glow Rides! Official art!

So, if you ever get the chance to see Sex Cells, especially by the talented DADADA go! Am dram Thank you ma’am indeed!

Lots of love

Tabitha and Ruby Glow

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