Hi there lovely people of cyberspace!
I just wanted to quickly remind you of the free book Sexy Just Walked into Town
Grab it now! For Free – with all kinds of saucy smutty action from soppy gooey love to full on BDSM hot action, you’ll find it all here, between these virtual pages đŸ˜€ – I think you can even read a snippet of Lexie Bay’s Flesh for Fantasy and oh my goodness me, if that doesn’t get you panting and wafting your lace handkerchief around your blushing cheeks, I don’t know what will!
Amazon UK
Amazon com
I was lucky enough to meet up with these sexy ladies in Bristol for Eroticon and I have to tell you, what a bloody lovely bunch of jolly naughty chappesses they are! Especially Lexie and Lily who managed to persuade l’ill ol’ me to come to the pub for a refreshing libation or three throughout the weekend…
Theses ladies are…
Lucy Felthouse, Lily Harlem, Kd Grace,Kay Jaybee, Lexie Bay, EmmyEllis, Victoria Blisse
And together we are, The Brit Babes
The collective term for a group of erotica writers, I believe, is an ejaculation.
Have a fun day!